
I'm looking for investment. I'm going to make the world better with my technology.


What you will be interested in.

I have a well-thought-out business plan, but I don't have the financial part to put it into practice. I very much hope for your investment. When you transfer money to my account, you will immediately receive a number of my shares which are proportional to the amount of your investment.

All the changes that will occur, I will describe in the telegram channel SMALLLDAN and where I will invest the money I will also write there. Welcome!

This site was written by me, as you can see it looks good, so I ask you to invest. The field for transferring money is at the bottom↧↧↧. I am the person who did not spend a penny on writing and promoting this site, I did it by myself, because I can. And I can make millions, too, but I need a financial start. I want to show how an ordinary student achieves great heights.

HTML5 96%
JavaSript 52%
Photoshop 77%
Swift 98%


Batman would be jealous.

Programing and coding

I studied hard programming at the Institute to write a program in the future that I could sell for a lot of money.


With my knowledge, I can do many things.

My Outlook on life.

I don't like to give up on halfway, I like to see it through. Even a chicken is able to go with a flow, but to swim against it can only person who is full of stronger and desperation.


I build the real value.

Please click of image

Portfolio Image

Art Of Coding

Clean & Minimalistic Design

Trusting me with your money you will never regret it. since my childhood I was accustomed to collect and spend money only on some things.

It annoys me how much time and money it takes to get a diploma.
Richard Branson.

Project Leader: Daniel Zakharchuk


Developer: Daniel Zakharchuk

I want to: Thank you

Portfolio Image

Art Of Coding

Clean & Minimalistic Design

Trusting me with your investment you will never regret. Why? Because I'm not a charity who just puts money in his pocket, I'm a man who can multiply them! Just believe it !

After reading so much text I think I'm interested in you, so what are you waiting for? Thinking - make up your mind and deciding not to think.

Project Leader: Daniel Zakharchuk

Designer: Alisa Keys

Developer: Mark Doe

Customer: Keenthemes

Portfolio Image

Art Of Coding

Clean & Minimalistic Design

I had more than one conversation with investors after which just stole my ideas. Now you see two companies of giants in the world. Now let's see how everyone will be talking about the company SMALLLDAN.

I believe in myself, and if you believe in me then we have a very good chance of winning ! I will make a name for himself all over the world!

Text editor: Daniel Zakharchuk

Designer: Max Murashof

Developer: Daniel Zakharchuk

Customer: Keenthemes

Portfolio Image

Art Of Coding

Clean & Minimalistic Design

Many will say so you do not get anything, so let's prove the opposite. It's one thing when you stand and ask for that money, it's another thing when you do something to get it.

I hope you were interested to read the history of this page, if you have come this far, I am very glad if I could cause you emotions. Making money is the biggest mistake of your life. You need to do what you feel the inclination and talent, and if you succeed in this — the money will be.
Greer Garson

Project Leader: Daniel Zakharchuk

Designer: Alisa Keys

Developer: Mark Doe

Customer: Keenthemes

Portfolio Image

Art Of Coding

Clean & Minimalistic Design

I did it all on my old MacBook. I very much count on your support. Decision to accept only you. I want to change history like Steve jobs and I want to be history.

I can offer my shares in exchange for your donations, if you have time to invest now, in the future you will have a big profit.
Thank you.

Project Leader: Daniel Zakharchuk

Designer: Daniel Zakharchuk

All this was done by me


Hire me.
